Bee Pollen for Energy, Weight Loss and Depression
Coconut Milk Smoothie Recipe:
Did you know that Bee Pollen can be used for Energy, Weight Loss and Depression? I wonder why we don’t hear more about this high-energy whole food?!
How to Use Bee Pollen
Bee pollen can be added to juices, smoothies, or even eaten plain. However, the taste is one that takes some getting used to. It is best to start out with one teaspoon and increase from there.
Bee Pollen Smoothie Recipe from RawFoodRecipes
1 cup coconut milk
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 date (optional)
1 frozen banana, cut up
1 tsp. bee pollen
Put everything in a blender, serve immediately. I like to drink mine over ice, even though it is a smoothie, I think it tastes better when it’s REALLY cold.
Tip: You want to make sure the bee pollen stays refrigerated if possible. If it heats above 100 degrees, some of the pollen’s enzymes and vitamin C content will be destroyed.
Benefits of Bee Pollen
“Early Egyptian and Chinese civilizations both recognized its power and used it in the treatment of many ailments. Hippocrates, a Greek doctor known as the father of western medicine, used bee pollen to heal people more than 2,500 years ago. In the 21st century, it is referred to by health practitioners as the fountain of youth. Many believe it can be used for everything, from losing weight to avoiding cancer.” — Source
Increases energy levels. Bee pollen rejuvenates your entire body. It stimulates vital organ function, and can even enhance athletic performance. Bee pollen is a high-energy whole food that supplies us with almost every nutrient the human body needs to survive.
Builds muscle. Along with increasing energy, bee, pollen can also help build muscle. It boosts your immune capabilities, and contains a high amount of antioxidants.
Cures allergies. While there are studies still being conducted on this point, I’ve had friends personally experience their allergies improving after taking bee pollen regularly for a few weeks. Always talk to your physician before trying to improve allergies on your own, but it’s worth asking about.
Enhances weight loss. Bee pollen is a natural appetite suppressant, and can increase metabolism which in turn increases the amount of calories you burn. Loaded with enzymes, it also helps promote digestion. Get things moving, in more ways than one, and the pounds melt off! Add it to a breakfast smoothie to get you going in the morning.
Fights depression. Russian researchers report bee pollen has given good results in the treatment of depression. (Source)

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